Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ghanaians & our proverbs

We love our proverbs!
I know I do.

It saddens me that we as a people do not live them as much as we say them.
Especially the one that talks about teaching a person to fish instead of giving him fish.
He will be fed for life when you teach him to fish.

We already have our brilliant fishermen.
We have our farmers with tons of knowledge.
Yet every other day, we are at the doorsteps of institutions & countries asking for aid.

I await the days coming when we will have selfless leaders more interested in enabling our farmers, our fishermen.


  1. So right. We have the resources and labour, I guess we just can't utilize it. Or we don't know how to. Maybe we just might, someday.

  2. Maybe someday, Juanita.
    Would we make progress if we trusted each other more than we do now? I think we would.
    I think setting up co-op programs ourselves will make us self-sufficient and we won't have to go looking for foreign aid. However, I don't think we trust each other enough on a large scale to want to invest in each other.

    Someday, I'll design a tiny experiment for this in some village somewhere and see how it turns out.

  3. If our fishermen and farmers already have tons of knowledge, what else are they waiting for? Mechanized farming equipment from the Govt?

  4. Right, Nana Yaw.
    That hasn't happened but the mindset is still the same.
    I don't know, but it might not take much to encourage them to switch up and come up with solutions. e.g pooling funds to buy equipment they need. That's where I worry insufficient trust amongst a group might not it feasible.
    The little experiment I mentioned in my comment to Juanita involves investing in a small group of farmers and KNUST engineering students. Anybody can try it.

  5. Very good reasoning. One problem, as I pointed out in my Farmers Day post, is that our farmers do not grow what we eat for one reason that there is a quota on them. They still grow the colonial crops for export.
