Wednesday, March 30, 2011

i miss MJ

I miss Michael jackson. I heard one of his songs on radio and it got me thinking evil about "The media". The nasty evil journalists of course. Not the intelligent ones. I can't start to imagine how difficult it must be when anytime you wake up, people you haven't met or ever talked to do nothing but say and write negative & false stories about you. Even if I were the devil's step-child, I'd still have a hard time dealing with stories going around about me everyday. There were more people writing negative stories about MJ than those that wrote positive ones. Nobody deserves that kind of negative energy. Now that he's dead, I hope all those that treated him badly and made up stories about him, see the pain they caused and change their ways. It is this anger in me that makes me not like journalists very much. It shouldn't be so. There are lots of journalists out there with good hearts but the dirt the others do casts this dark cloud over all of them. The world will be a better place when people paid to write, write responsibly. We will all be so happy. I hurt even more when some guy that used to write for Vibe magazine in the late 90's said he regrets being a part of the writers that hyped up the East Coast - West Coast feud that eventually led to Pac & Biggie's deaths. Now I miss Pac. Gotta go listen to "Me Against The World". It sure would be nice to go to & one day and not find a negative article with a crass title.

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